+201145011905 info@elegantegypttours.com
+201145011905 info@elegantegypttours.com



Dopo aver creato un account, you'll be able to track your payment status, traccia la conferma e puoi anche valutare il tour dopo aver terminato il tour.
Nome utente*
Parola d'ordine*
conferma password*
Nome di battesimo*
Data di nascita*
* Creare un account significa che stai bene con il nostro Termini di servizio e Informativa sulla Privacy.
Si prega di accettare tutti i termini e le condizioni prima di procedere al passaggio successivo

Sei già un membro?


Test the system

You can test the tour management system in this theme easily

1. Simply create an account with the link on the top right corner of this page.
Try to use your real email. The email notification will be sent to your email after booking.

2. Perform booking the tour from the demo site. You can also test the payment by using Paypal Sandbox.

Make sure that you have created your own Paypal Sandbox account to test the payment.

https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/account-selection (With Paypal Sandbox, you can test the payment by using virtual money.)

3. After you booked the tour or paid by Paypal, you can view the transaction from customer dashboard : http://demo.goodlayers.com/traveltour/dashboard/?page_type=dashboard

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